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Liittynyt: 13 Huh 2004 Viestejä: 6328 Paikkakunta: Avohakkuu
Lähetetty: 07.08.2005 04:15 Viestin aihe: Näin amerikoissa |
Kun en jostain syystä saanut unta, lueskelin netissä maailman eri maiden metsästyssivuja. Seuraava löytyi Yhdysvaltalaisilta sivuilta. Ja kyllähän jotenkin alkoi v ituttamaan tämä Suomen meininki ihan oikeasti, joten menenpä nyt sitten nukkumaan loppujen lopuksi.
Conservation Department Shooting Ranges Available
Missouri Department of Conservation
Posted on: 02/02/04 [2 Comments]
Wintertime, and the living is . . . boring! No matter how much we love to curl up with a good book or surf the Internet, at times between New Year's Day and April Fool's Day most of us feel the need to get outdoors. When cabin fever strikes, some of the closest opportunities are found at shooting ranges operated by the Missouri Department of Conservation.
The Conservation Department maintains shooting facilities at more than 60 conservation areas (CAs) statewide. Ten are accessible to people with mobility impairments. Five are outdoor skills training centers with full-time staffs and a mission that goes far beyond shooting.
The busiest time of year at Conservation Department ranges is September through December. Visitation can still be heavy on winter weekends, but the facilities typically are less crowded this time of year.
"Our ranges started out as places to sight-infles or practice trap shooting or pistol marksmanship," said Hunter Education Program Coordinator Rick Flint. "Through the years, we have expanded their mission to include teaching outdoor skills from orienteering to birdwatching. You can still get instruction in hunting and fishing, but just about anyone can find something to interest them at our ranges."
Flint said the five staffed ranges also are excellent places to take children who receive air guns or .22 cal. rifles as holiday presents to learn to use them safely. Some ranges even offer special programs just for this purpose. All are great places to spend a winter afternoon honing old outdoor skills or learning new ones. |
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