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Metsästys/Kalastus Portugalissa

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Kirjoittaja Viesti

Liittynyt: 08 Maa 2004
Viestejä: 387

LähetäLähetetty: 31.05.2006 15:59    Viestin aihe: Metsästys/Kalastus Portugalissa Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Itse ainakaan en tiennyt Portugalista juurikaan mitään ennen kuin tänne tulin, joten aiheesta kiinnostuneita mahdollisesti on muitakin? Eli, tarkoituksenani olisi pistää raporttia tulemaan paikallisista metsästys/kalastusoloista ja mahdollisesti myos paikallisesta ase/kalastusliikkeesta juttua. Kertokaahan siis mitä haluaisitte tietää, kysymyksiä liikkeenpitäjälle, lupapolitiikka, kalastusmahdollisuuksista yms asiaan liittyvä. Aikaa on torstai iltaan, klo 20 asti. Sitten luen viestinne&ehdotuksenne. Perjantaina tapaan paikallisen liikkeenharjoittajan. Ja erään kalastaja lauantaina ja kyselyt tapahtuvat tuolloin.
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Liittynyt: 13 Huh 2004
Viestejä: 6328
Paikkakunta: Avohakkuu

LähetäLähetetty: 31.05.2006 16:56    Viestin aihe: Re: Metsästys/Kalastus Portugalissa Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

[quote="Radek"]Itse ainakaan en tiennyt Portugalista juurikaan mitään ennen kuin tänne tulin, joten aiheesta kiinnostuneita mahdollisesti on muitakin? Eli, tarkoituksenani olisi pistää raporttia tulemaan paikallisista metsästys/kalastusoloista ja mahdollisesti myos paikallisesta ase/kalastusliikkeesta juttua. Kertokaahan siis mitä haluaisitte tietää, kysymyksiä liikkeenpitäjälle, lupapolitiikka, kalastusmahdollisuuksista yms asiaan liittyvä. Aikaa on torstai iltaan, klo 20 asti. Sitten luen viestinne&ehdotuksenne. Perjantaina tapaan paikallisen liikkeenharjoittajan. Ja erään kalastaja lauantaina ja kyselyt tapahtuvat tuolloin.[/quote]
Hyvä aihe. Miten onnistuu esim. linnunmetsästys ilman, että on perinteisiä beaters, secreteries yms. ja ammutaan 1000 fasaania pinoon? Espanjassa tuntui olevan tuollaista meininkiä eikä oikein jaksanut kiinnostaa.
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Tinurien Kirkkoherra

Liittynyt: 18 Hei 2004
Viestejä: 2262

LähetäLähetetty: 31.05.2006 17:58    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Ihan peruskysymyksiä: Miten Portugalissa metsästys onnistuu? Mitä lupia tarvitaan? Entäs metsästysmaat, mistä? Mitä siellä voipi metsästää?
Siinä aluksi.
...saadakseni lopettaa. Moron poro!
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Liittynyt: 08 Maa 2004
Viestejä: 342
Paikkakunta: Itä-Uusimaa

LähetäLähetetty: 01.06.2006 20:31    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Selvitteleppä samalla miten siellä onnistuu esim. aseen hankinta ja tuonti Suomeen. Portugalihan on kohtuullisen edullinen maa, joten laitappa viestiä aiheesta.
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Tinurien Kirkkoherra

Liittynyt: 18 Hei 2004
Viestejä: 2262

LähetäLähetetty: 10.06.2006 10:48    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Minne ko. juttu ilmestyy ja koska?
...saadakseni lopettaa. Moron poro!
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Liittynyt: 08 Maa 2004
Viestejä: 387

LähetäLähetetty: 12.06.2006 18:41    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Mitähän tuota kehtais valehdella??

Ehkäpä joskus kesäkuun lopulla, kun tuota kerkiän kotiutua Suomeen.
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Liittynyt: 08 Elo 2007
Viestejä: 473
Paikkakunta: Sievi

LähetäLähetetty: 17.09.2007 12:50    Viestin aihe: hepa Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Millon Jani on laittanut ton meiningin pystöön kun ei ukkeliinoo kerenny pitää yhteyttä???
-- SBE II--
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Näytä käyttäjän tiedot Lähetä yksityinen viesti

Liittynyt: 05 Maa 2004
Viestejä: 1548
Paikkakunta: Riihimäki

LähetäLähetetty: 18.09.2007 09:45    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Olipa ajankohtainen threadi. Itselläni sama case työn alla ja jonkinmosta tietoakin asiasta. Periaatteessa ollaan EU:ssa joten aseluvat ja metsästysluvat ovat vaihtokelpoisia Suomi-Portugal. EU Asepassi ja metsästysluvan päivittäminen paikalliseen onnistuu helposti. Seuruemetsästyksessä kieli on ongelma. Länsipuolella ja rajan pinnassa pärjää espanjalla koska paikallismurre on hyvinkin lähellä espanjaa mutta muuten kyllä sitten tarvitaan ihan Portugalin osaamista. Nuorten ja koulutettujen kanssa pärjää englannilla.
Itselle oli yllätys se, että osa metsästyslaeista oli maakuntakohtaisia ja se, että esim jotkut lajit ovat metsästettävissä vain tiettyinä viikonpäivinä.

Tässä koostettuna kaikki olennainen englanniksi:

Game is hunted all over Portugal with the most popular places being the Alentejo and Ribatejo regions, where hunting is with hounds and horses.

Favoured areas for partridge are in the extreme north in Trás-os-Montes and in the Algarve. Rabbit hunting is popular around the Douro valley and hare in Ribatejo and the Alentejo.

Quail is hunted in the Minho and Sesimbra, and ducks in Leziria and the Algarve.

A licence is needed to hunt in Portugal.

* Comprehensive information is available on the website of the Portuguese Hunting Federation: Federação Portuguesa de Tiro com Armas de Caça (in Portuguese)

Documents Needed for Hunting

* Passport or identity card
* Hunting licence (Licença de Caça)
* Hunting permit (Carta do Caçador)
* Firearms licence (Licença de Uso e Porte de Arma)
* Hunting dog licence (Licença dos Cães) (if applicable)
* Under 18 authorisation (Autorização Escrita do Representante Legal quando Menor) (if applicable)
* Fowl shooting permit (Título de Registo de Aves de Presa) (if applicable)
* Hunting insurance (Seguro de Caçador): hunters using firearms must be insured to a minimum of €49,979; all other hunters must be insured to a minimum of €9,975

Hunting Licences in Portugal

There are two basic types of licence:

* General hunting licence (Licença de Caça Geral)
* Special licences for aquatic species and game hunting (Licença Especial de Caça Grossa e Aquatica)

Different licences are issued depending on where and what the person wishes to hunt:

* National licence (Licença Nacional)
* Regional licence (Licença Regional)
* Non-resident's licence (Licença para não residents em território Português)
* Big game licence (Licença Especial de Casca Grossa Maior)
* Water fowl licence (Licença de aves aquáticas)

The licence can be obtained from:

* The Forestry Authority (Direcção-Geral das Florestas or DGRF)
At: Avenida João Crisóstomo nº26-28, 1069-040 Lisbon
Tel: 213 124 200
Fax: 213 146 304
* Ministry of Agriculture
* Town Councils (Câmaras Municipais)
* Hunting Associations (Associações de Caçadores)

Applying for a licence

To get a licence, hunters must pass a theory and practical exam to hunt in their own country or in Portugal. Both of these exams are overseen by the DGRF and are held all year round. Candidates can get application forms from the local town council (Câmara Municipal) where they are resident. Under recent law, licences are valid up to the age of 65 and then must be renewed every five years and require a health certificate (Atestado Medico).

To prepare for this exam, candidates have to undergo an obligatory training course. Candidates may not take the practical exam until they have passed the theory exam and must be at least 16 years old on the day of the theory exam.

The period of enrolling (Inscrição) to undertake the exams in the normal season (Época Normal) is between 1 October and 31 December.

The period of enrolling out of season (Época Especial) is between 1 April and 15 May.
Application procedure

Candidates should contact the Portuguese Hunting Federation (Federação Portuguesa de Tiro com Armas de Caça) which will inform them of available dates for training sessions for both the theory and practical exam. Once training is complete the Federation sends the application form to the DGRF.

The following documents are required to apply for an exam:

* Original and photocopy (back and front pages) of passport and/or identity card
* Registration fee sent via registered mail (Correio Registado) to the DGRF accompanied by a cheque or postal order (Vale Postal) made out to the DGRF
* Photocopy of any other existing hunting licence
* Residency card (Documento Comprovativo de Residência no Portugal for candidates living in Portuguese territory; O Estangeiro when the candidate lives elsewhere)
* The exam must be applied for from the DGRF via the council (Câmara) but on DGRF forms (modelos/formularios) which can be seen online: Click here (in Portuguese)

The candidate will then be notified (with at least two weeks warning) of the place and time of the exams.
The exam

The theory exam (Provas Téorico) includes a number of questions based on the following themes:

* knowledge of wildlife: recognising game and protected species, animal biology and their way of life
* knowledge of hunting: different hunting techniques, knowledge and use of hunting dogs (Cães de Caça), and hunting vocabulary
* knowledge of the rules and laws: concerning hunting laws and nature protection (Legislação Cinegética)
* knowledge of arms and munitions: how to use them safely and security rules
* knowledge of hunting birds: the biology of birds, their importance to the ecosystem, rules and techniques

To pass the exam, candidates must have a minimum of 75 percent correct answers and must have replied correctly to all the questions on security. The certificate is issued by inspectors of the DGRF.

The practical exam (Prova de Tiro) can only be taken once the candidate has passed the theory exam. Following the theory exam the candidate has 18 months to pass the practical exam which has three parts:

* Simulation of hunting and shooting with blanks
* Target shooting test, with black targets representing species that may be hunted and red targets representing species that may not be hunted
* Shooting a moving target (maximum of six projectiles at a distance of not more than 30 metres)

Any dangerous behaviour will lead to automatic failure of the exam.

Once training is complete and both exams have been passed the Hunting Federation sends the application form to the DGRF.
Hunting Permits

The hunting permit (Carta de Caçador) is issued in Portugal and contains and acts as proof of the following data:

* Insurance
* Hunting license
* Identity card / passport details
* Dog license (if applicable)
* Fire Arms License
* Written authority of parents or guardians in case of a minor over 16 but under 18

It entitles those with a hunting licence to hunt within a particular district at permitted seasons and times. The hunting permit can be obtained from

* The Forestry Authority (Direcção-Geral das Florestas or DGRF)
* Town Councils (Câmaras Municipais)
* Portuguese Consulates abroad
* Regional Agriculture Authorities (Direcções Regionais de Agricultura)

Hunting Species and Seasons

In general the hunting season runs from September to February some species have a different open season (see the table below). Hunting is allowed on Thursdays, Sundays and public holidays.


* Falconry (Caça de Cetraria), hunting with archery darts (Arco), hunting with animals (Besta) and fox hunting with dogs (Cação á Raposa e Corricão): Wednesdays and Saturdays
* Shooting parties with beaters or mongoose (Batidas á Raposa e Saca-Rabos): Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays
* Wild boar hunting with horses (Batidas e Montarias á Javali): Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays

Note: Hunting is not allowed on an election day or day of referendum.
Open season
Species Portuguese Season

Wild boar Javali September to February

Wood pigeon/woodcock Pombo-torcaz 1 November to 15 February

Duck Marrequinha 15 November to 15 March

Deer Veado September to February

Turtle doves Rola bravo 1 November to 15 February

Common thrush Tordo comum September to February

Royal duck/mallard Pato real September to February

Rabbit Coelho bravo September to February

Hare Lebre September to February

Red partridge Perdiz vermelha 1 November to 15 February

Pheasant Faisão September to February

Quail Codorniz 15 October to 31 January

Fox Raposa September to February

White-eyed duck Zarro Comun September to February

Weapons Used in Hunting

* Single or double barrelled shotguns within the Light Firearms for Hunting group of weapons (Armas de Fogo Ligeiras de Caça)
* Hunting rifles (Espingardas) are usually termed as Caçadeiras and use special cartridge pellets (Cartuchos não de balas)
* Larger shotguns with telescopic sights are used for hunting big game; these use bullets (Cartuchos de balas)
* Archery with bow and arrow (Arcos e Flechas para Tiro)

Arms in Circulation and the European Firearm Licence

The European Firearms Licence allows hunters to go on hunting trips in all EU countries. The practice of hunting in Portugal by Portuguese or foreign non-residents who are holders of a valid EU member country hunting licence and European Firearms Licence is conditional on the validation of these documents under the rules applying to the delivery of a hunting licence in Portugal.

The European Firearms Licence allows hunters to hunt in Portugal with their own weapons registered on their European Firearms Licence, and without following any other formalities except those considered mandatory in Portugal (which means the presentation of the valid documents). The licence is valid for 5 years.

Before going on a hunting trip it is wise to verify that the arms being taken are actually authorised for use in Portugal. Contact the Portuguese Hunting Federation or the Portuguese Embassy in the country of origin.

The allowance for EU hunters is: three arms of the 5th Category and 100 cartridges per arm. All foreign hunters must be able to prove that they are travelling for hunting purposes via an invitation from a Portuguese hunting organisation or club and by showing the European Firearms Licence.

Hunters outside the EU can bring in two sporting arms that are classified in Portugal in the 5th Category and 100 cartridges per firearm.

Note: Since terror attacks in the US on 11 September 2001 and other terrorist scares in the US and Europe conditions may be stricter on carrying firearms on board planes. Check with the airline or embassy on these conditions and requirements.
Further Information

* Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture - Forestry Authority (DGRF)
* Portuguese Hunting Federation
At: Rua Alameda António Sérgio 22-8ºC, 1495-132 Algés
Tel: 214 126 160
Fax: 214 126 162
* Regional Agricultural Authority (Direcções Regionais de Agricultura)
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