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Raivohulluutta britteinsaarilla...
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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
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LähetäLähetetty: 07.03.2005 18:17    Viestin aihe: Raivohulluutta britteinsaarilla... Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

2-vuotias kuoli ilmakiväärin luodista

Skotlantilaisen pikkupojan Andrew Mortonin kohtaloksi tuli kuolla kauppamatkalla saatuun ilmakiväärin osumaan. Päähän osunut yksi ainoa luoti aiheutti niin pahat vammat, ettei kaksivuotiasta Mortonia voitu pelastaa edes sairaalan teho-osastolla.

Viime keskiviikkona ammuttu laukaus oli ilmeisesti ilkivaltaa.

Tapaus herätti britit vaatimaan viikonvaihteessa ilma-aseiden myyntiin rajoituksia tai jopa täyskieltoa.

- On selvää, että nyt on tutkittava kaikkia niitä läksyjä, jotka tästä voidaan oppia, sanoi Skotlannin itsehallinnon oikeusministeri Cathy Jamieson.

Ministeri lupasi selvittää sisäministeriön ja Lontoon keskushallinnon kanssa, mitä mahdollisuuksia on tehdä ilma-aseista luvanvaraisia tai jopa kieltää niiden myynti kokonaan.


Hoh hoijjaa Rolling Eyes ...näin maallikkona tulisi paremminkin mieleen että tutkisivat ensin sitä millaisia sekopäitä siellä oikein liikkuu irrallaan...
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Liittynyt: 19 Huh 2004
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LähetäLähetetty: 07.03.2005 18:22    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Seuraavaksi taitaa britit kieltää kaikki terävät esineet koska niillähän tehdään vuosittain hirvittävä määrä rikoksia. Kun kerran yhteiskunta on saatava mahdollisimman turvalliseksi niin seuraavan rattijuopon ajaman kolarin jälkeen kielletään autot... Perinteistä tekopyhää brittimeininkiä.
Welcome to the worst nightmare of all: reality
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Liittynyt: 09 Maa 2004
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LähetäLähetetty: 07.03.2005 18:24    Viestin aihe: Re: Raivohulluutta britteinsaarilla... Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Vieras 1* kirjoitti:

Hoh hoijjaa Rolling Eyes ...näin maallikkona tulisi paremminkin mieleen että tutkisivat ensin sitä millaisia sekopäitä siellä oikein liikkuu irrallaan...

Epäilisin kuitenkin että ampuja on ollut alle 15v.
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Liittynyt: 20 Jou 2004
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LähetäLähetetty: 07.03.2005 19:47    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Lainaus Emergy Sevices Online sivuilta:


A man has been arrested by police investigating the death of a two-year-old boy was shot in the head with an airgun.

Andrew Morton is believed to have been hit by a pellet aimed at firefighters called to a kitchen fire in the Glasgow street where he lived.

Police said a 27-year-old man had been arrested over the shooting of the toddler on Wednesday night.

The boy's mother, Sharon McMillan, had kept a vigil at his bedside.

It is understood his family agreed to turn off his life support machine.

Andrew's grieving sister, Cheryl McMillan said: "Andrew was the life and soul of the full house.

"He was just amazing. He was a pure brilliant wee boy."

He had left the family home in Easterhouse, with his brother Brian.
A pellet had earlier struck a 34-year-old firefighter attending a report of a kitchen fire in Cambusdoon Road around the same time. He was uninjured.

The arrest follows a major inquiry involving more than 40 officers and a ballistics expert, in which primary school children were searched as they walked to school.

The 27-year-old man is expected to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Monday.

Scotland's justice minister Cathy Jamieson said laws governing the weapons must be reviewed in the wake of the tragic case.

She said Westminster had already raised the age for owning an airgun from 14 to 17, while creating a new offence against possessing an air weapon in public places and banning gas cartridge airguns.

But she said: "I want to tell the people of Scotland that we will look very, very closely at this incident and if there are any lessons to be learned then I will assure people we will learn them."
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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 07.03.2005 19:56    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Englantilainen drive-by-shooting:

"Three hurt in air gun shootings
Three people suffered minor injuries when being shot at with air gun pellets in Gloucester.
The incidents happened in the early afternoon of Monday at the junction of London Road and Denmark Road.

A 30-year-old man was treated in hospital for wounds to his knee and elbow, a 16-year-old boy was hit in the elbow but did not need treatment.

A 19-year-old man was shot in the leg and police say medical staff have been unable to remove the pellet.

Officers are appealing for information and say it is not known whether the air weapon was fired from a vehicle or a neighbouring property."


Ei mitenkään tarkoitushakuista kuvitusta:

'Hand over your weapons' appeal

More than 50 weapons have already been handed in
South Yorkshire residents are urged to hand in any weapons after a spate of shooting incidents in the area.
A man was injured in a shooting in a Sheffield pub on Tuesday evening and police say two youngsters have been hurt by ball-bearing guns.

A month-long amnesty began last week and already 50 weapons including air rifles, shotguns, swords and knives have been handed in.

The weapons can be left at police stations in the area.

'Terrifying toys'

Posters and leaflets advertising the hand-in are being distributed at secondary schools in an appeal to youngsters to hand in ball-bearing guns.

A seven-year-old boy was recently hurt when a gun was shot in his ear and an 11-year-old girl playing with her dog in a garden was shot at by youths. Both incidents were in Gresley Road, Sheffield.

Insp Andy Male said: "Ball bearing guns are seen as toys but it is illegal to take them out in a public place. They can be terrifying.

"They appear real, a trained firearms officer would not know the gun was a toy if it was pointed at them, nor would a member of the public."


Asekieltolakikin näkyy toimivan loistavasti:

"In the last three years, eight people under the age of 20 have been killed by guns on the streets of Manchester.
Seventeen people under the age of 30 have also been killed."



ja lopuksi reippaita brittipoliiseja:

"Former policemen cleared of rape

Pc Andrew Lang and Pc Mark Witcher were cleared of rape
Two former Surrey Police officers have been cleared of raping and indecently assaulting a woman while on duty.

Witcher and Lang had attended an incident outside the club where the woman said she had been attacked by three men and she then got into the patrol car to search the streets for them.

She told the court she had been so drunk the officers had to help her into her home and they then held her down and took turns to have sex with her.

But Witcher said the "threesome" was initiated by the woman and he now deeply regretted it.

After the incident, the men went back to Guildford Police Station where they boasted to a colleague about what happened and an inquiry was launched.

Both men were dismissed from the Surrey force on 16 December last year.

It followed a trial in November when they were found guilty of three charges each of wilful misconduct in public office by having sex while on duty and in uniform, lying on a police radio and failing to report a crime."


Viimeinen muokkaaja, Vieras 1* pvm 07.03.2005 19:58, muokattu 1 kertaa
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Liittynyt: 09 Elo 2004
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LähetäLähetetty: 07.03.2005 19:57    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

voi että
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Liittynyt: 01 Tou 2004
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Paikkakunta: Gotham city

LähetäLähetetty: 08.03.2005 01:13    Viestin aihe: raivohulluutta Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Millonkahan nuo Britit älyää kieltää itsensä?
Kukas piru sitä veronmaksajia tekee ellei veronmaksajat itte?
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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 16.03.2005 02:27    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Kirvessurmaaja iski Lontoon luksuslähiössä

Lähinnä viihdebisneksestä tutuista julkkiksistaan tunnettu lontoolainen Swiss Cottagen hienostoalue järkyttyi eilen raa'asta kirvessurmasta.

Silminnäkijät katsoivat kauhistuneina, kuinka 37-vuotias mies juoksi keskiaikainen kirves kädessään uhriaan kohti ja jakeli useita iskuja tätä päin. 61-vuotiaan miesuhrin nähtiin lopulta vaipuvan maahan. Hän yritti samalla suojella päätään kirveeniskuilta.

Poliisi saapui silminnäkijöiden hälyttämänä nopeasti paikalle ja pidätti surmaajan välittömästi, mutta mies onnistui kuitenkin hakkaamaan uhrinsa pään lähes irti.

Raaka surma tapahtui aamupäivällä noin puoli kymmenen aikaan paikallista aikaa. Poliisi epäili uhrin ja surmaajan tunteneen toisensa entuudestaan, mutta motiiville ei kuitenkaan eilisiltana saatu selvyyttä.

Paikan päältä pidätetty surmaaja vietiin kuulusteltavaksi Holbornin poliisiasemalle. Poliisi tutkii tapausta murhana.

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Liittynyt: 12 Lok 2004
Viestejä: 1256
Paikkakunta: Jyväskylän lähellä

LähetäLähetetty: 16.03.2005 09:58    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Briteillä ne imput on vähän eri luokkaa(5,5mm).
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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 23.03.2005 04:23    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä


Banaanin vilauttelija

Entinen stamfordilainen poliisi sai syytteen epäsiveellisestä käytöksestä vilauteltuaan housuihinsa tunkemaansa lasten lelubanaania ohikulkeville ihmisille. "Poliisille on soiteltu jo jonkin aikaa kadulla hilluvasta, todella tiukkoihin housuihin pukeutuneesta miehestä, joka on tunkenut etumukseensa ylimääräistä tavaraa," poliisin edustaja selitti. Ex-poliisi pääsi takuita vastaan vapaaksi. Oikeudenkäynti on edessä jo ensi viikolla.

Muoto paljasti

Huonosti kävi brittiläiselle ryöstäjälle, joka kasvot peitettyinä saapui kirjakauppaan ja vaati rahaa. Ryöstäjä osoitti muovipussiaan työntekijöille ja antoi ymmärtää aseen olevan siellä. Työntekijät eivät hätkähtäneetkään, vaan sanoivat viileästi aseen muodon muistuttavan banaania. Varas lähti käpälämäkeen tyhjin taskuin.

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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 31.03.2005 17:57    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Asekieltolaki on mahdollistanut brittipoliisien varustuksen huomattavan keventämisen:

Nimittäin kiväärin lippaita ei tarvitse lipastaa täyteen... Twisted Evil
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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 19.04.2005 03:36    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Police shooting suspect critical

A man who was arrested after two police officers were shot as they investigated a murder is in a critical condition in hospital, the force has said.
The 23-year-old was found with serious injuries in the Halifax area after going on the run from a country pub where he was being quizzed by police.

They were asking him about the Zubair Munir's murder. His body was found near the pub where the man was staying.

Neither officer was seriously injured in the shooting.

The officers, a man and a woman from the West Yorkshire force, were on patrol in Elland Road, Ripponden, when the shooting happened on Monday.

A police spokeswoman said four officers were making inquiries at the Fleece Inn.

"Whilst they were arresting a suspect, two officers were shot at with a some kind of firearm," she said.

A 44-year-old female detective constable needed treatment at Calderdale Royal Infirmary for a gunshot wound to her thigh while her male colleague, also a detective constable, suffered a wound to his stomach.

Both have been released from hospital.

'Perfectly respectable'

Peter Strong, managing director the Chameleon Pub Company which owns the Fleece, said: "We had someone staying at the pub, and from what I gather, the police wanted to question the guy and then an incident took place and he got away.

"[The suspect] said he was moving to the area and the place he was buying was not quite ready so he wanted to stay at the pub, so it all seemed very plausible."

He added the police were unarmed.

"It's very upsetting, everybody is very shocked," Mr Strong added.

"This is a beautiful spot and it is totally out of character."

The body of Mr Munir, from Huddersfield, was found on Sunday near the A58, close to Ripponden.

He had been killed by a single gunshot to the head.

Mr Munir, who was also known by his nicknames Bear, Treasure and Ninja, went missing from his home in the Thornton Lodge area of Huddersfield a week ago.

Police are investigating if his death was drug-related.

Story from BBC NEWS:
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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 23.04.2005 17:51    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Policeman shot in stomach

A police officer from Keighley was shot as he tried to arrest a man in connection with a murder inquiry.

The unnamed 39-year-old officer and a 43-year-old female colleague were both hit in the incident at a Ripponden pub, on Monday afternoon. They were taken to Calderdale Royal Infirmary for treatment and discharged later that day. Neither of the officers -- members of the homicide and major inquiry team at Wakefield -- was wearing body armour.

West Yorkshire Police said the officers had no reason to believe the man they were attempting to arrest would be a problem.

The woman was shot in the thigh and her colleague sustained stomach injuries after an argument broke out during the arrest.

The gunman -- Alexander Edward Lawton, from Huddersfield -- drove off after the shooting. He was later found in a car at Northowram with a gunshot wound to his head. He was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary, where he died on Tuesday.

Posted Friday 22 April 2005

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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
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LähetäLähetetty: 25.04.2005 22:44    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Blair Promises Crackdown on Knife and Gun Crime

By Trevor Mason, PA Political Staff

Tough new powers to tackle the use of knives and guns were unveiled by Labour today as fresh figures showed violent crime rose 9% in the final three months of last year.

The Prime Minister joined Home Secretary Charles Clarke in announcing a 10-point plan to “fight back against thugs” and cut crime overall by 15%.

But later Mr Blair was involved in a heated phone-in exchange with a police officer, who lambasted him over the number of officers on the beat.

Labour pledged that a new Violent Crime Reduction Bill, would be introduced within weeks of a General Election victory.

It will include tougher sentences for knife and gun crime, raise the age at which a young person can buy a knife from 16 to 18 and make it illegal to buy an imitation firearm below the age of 18.

Ministers plan to consult on the feasibility of banning replica and imitation guns altogether and set up a Gun Crime Hotline for people to raise worries about gangs using guns to intimidate communities.

Under the crime crackdown, hooligans responsible for anti-social behaviour would be publicly named and shamed so local people knew who was responsible for any trouble.

Mr Blair promised to ensure a “visible uniformed presence” in every community by adding to record police numbers with 20,000 extra community support officers by 2008.

“On any basis, crime has fallen since we came to office,” Mr Blair said. “Yet we know that for many people in local communities it doesn’t feel like that.”

Mr Clarke told a news conference: “The fight against crime, and particularly violent crime and anti-social behaviour, is a number one priority for Labour.

“It is under a Labour Government that overall crime has fallen by 30% and violent crime by 26% but of course we want this to fall further.

“That is why we commit to reducing all crime by a further 15% and within that to ensure that violent crime continues to fall.”

But Conservative leader Michael Howard rejected any claims of a fall in violent crime, insisting: “The police’s own figures demonstrate with absolute clarity that violent crime has been increasing very fast under this Government.”

And a police officer, who claimed his job was getting increasingly harder, criticised the Government’s record on a phone-in for BBC Radio 5 Live.

The officer, who identified himself only as Carl, from Boston, Lincolnshire, asked: “Why is it that you continually make my job harder by telling the general public that there are more police officers than there has ever been, when for every police officer you have put in the rank and file on the street, you have probably put another four in offices ?”

Mr Blair responded: “I speak to a lot of police officers, Carl, who don’t actually share that perspective and who actually believe that they are getting on top of the crime situation, difficult though it is.”

Earlier at the news conference, the Prime Minister got into hot water after appearing to suggest crime was less violent during the era when the notorious Kray twins ruled London’s East End.

Speaking of today’s drug gangs, he said “when you watch the films back in the 1950s about this type of criminal there were certainly rules or a code that even some of those people seemed to have – it was not of the same nature as some of the really appalling ugly violent crime that you get today linked with drugs.”

Challenged later, however, he said: “I’d better issue a correction. No, I’m not being nostalgic for the era of the Krays.”

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Vieras 1*

Liittynyt: 19 Jou 2004
Viestejä: 3275

LähetäLähetetty: 26.04.2005 00:29    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Ministry of Defence police to get new specialised firearm


The Ministry of Defence has procured a new weapon for the Ministry of Defence Police force, making them better equipped than ever for the important role they play.

A £3.4 million contract will see more than 1,500 Heckler & Koch MP7 firearms delivered to MoD Police, who provide armed security for military installations across the country, including the guarding of Britain's nuclear deterrent.

Ministry of Defence Police Officers are currently equipped with the 9mm Browning Pistol and the military-issue SA80. The SA80, a battle-proven military assault rifle, is not ideally suited for use by MoD police who are deployed in defence environments in the UK.

The pistol, which has been in service since 1979, becomes less accurate at long range and cannot defeat today's latest body armour.

Defence Minister Ivor Caplin MP said: " It is essential that these officers, who police everything from residential camps to our sensitive research and development centres, are equipped with the most suitable firearm for their jobs.

"The team at the Defence Procurement Agency carried out an exhaustive series of tests before this weapon was selected, and the MP7 proved to be the very best available.

"What's more, an innovative approach to this procurement, which sees the UK Division of Heckler & Koch look after weapon support and logistics, is estimated to save around £250,000 a year until 2008 - another example of 'smart' procurement.

"Indeed, this project has been so successful that other UK PoliceConstabularies have been paying close attention to our results, with a view to possibly using them to inform their own future firearm procurement decisions."

Tests proved that the new firearm can penetrate body armour, yet the round will not 'overpenetrate' causing a danger to bystanders. It is also light, easily maintained and simple to use and, after training, will be delivered to Ministry of Defence Police Officers across the country, replacing both the Browning pistol and the SA80.

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