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Haulikon löytänyt Irak-veteraani sai vain 12 kk ehdollista

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Liittynyt: 26 Hei 2004
Viestejä: 67

LähetäLähetetty: 13.01.2010 18:30    Viestin aihe: Haulikon löytänyt Irak-veteraani sai vain 12 kk ehdollista Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Briteissä kukkii jälleeen. Surreyssä haulikon jätesäkissä takapihansa puskasta löytänyt ja aseen poliisiasemalle vienyt Irak-veteraani sai teostaan onneksi vain 12 kk ehdollisen tuomion. Lähtökohtana syyttäjällä oli vähintään lain minimivaatimus eli 5 vuoden ehdoton tuomio.

A former soldier who faced five years in jail after finding a shotgun and handing it in to police will be spending Christmas at home.
Paul Clarke, 27, was given a 12-month suspended sentence for possession of a firearm at Reading Crown Court today.
Clarke took the stand and sensationally claimed he had been having a sexual relationship with a female Surrey Police detective – and another police officer had grown jealous.
The 27-year-old was given the chance to give evidence in open court before his sentencing.
He said: "I didn't call the police [to tell them I had found the gun] because I was sleeping with the detective.
"Another officer has got a bit jealous and I have had a lot of harassment from the police since then.
"I also didn't want to call 999, I didn't want trigger happy police on my doorstep so I tried to call superintendent Harper instead."
Clarke told the stand he repeatedly called superintendent Andrian Harper to make an appointment with him to hand over the weapon – found at the bottom of his back garden.
Clarke told the court Mr Harper was not available for four days after he had found it.
Clarke said: "I just said I had something to give him, I didn't want to say I'd found a gun because then he would have sent lots of police around.
"It could have been a duplicate or an antique and to be honest I was more concerned I would be done for wasting police time, it never even crossed my mind I would be arrested."
Clarke said it only occurred to him he would be in danger of arrest once he handed the gun in at Reigate police station.
Clarke said: "Adrian said I might have to caution you, he said I'd put him in an awkward position because he might have to arrest me.
"And I said to him 'what do you mean, I'm handing it in?'. He said 'it's illegal even to possess it' and I can't said 'can't it be an amnesty, surely I can't be arrested for handing it in?', he then had an officer come in, arrest me, and take me down to the cells'."
Clarke told the court, whilst he was in police custody, three officers made him sign a statement which stated the discussion he had had with Adrian Harper prior to handing in the gun lasted 20 minutes.
Clarke admitted the statement he signed did not address the fact he had found the gun in his garden. But signed it because he felt he was not in any serious trouble.
Clarke said: "At the time I didn't know anything about these strict liability laws, I didn't realise I was committing any crime."
During cross-examination, prosecutor Mr Stalk queried whether Clarke had truly revealed he had found the gun during the meeting with Mr Harper.
Clarke replied: "I can't remember my exact words but I did tell him, and the police officers all asked me to sign that piece of paper and I thought it would be easier to cooperate.
He added: "At the time they I didn't think they were going to stitch me up."
Summing up, Judge Christopher Critchlow said: "It was a highly unusual case and one in which there are exceptional circumstances that means it would be unjust to impose the minimum sentence.
"It is an exceptional case because you took this weapon to the police station to hand it in."
He said the fact Clarke had kept the gun for four days was "odd behaviour" and it was a "very serious matter" that he did not hand it in immediately.
Judge Critchlow continued: "I therefore consider a term of imprisonment must be imposed to mark the gravity of keeping such a weapon and not immediately surrendering it to the police.
"I understand you were once a soldier and you in particular ought to have appreciated the danger posed by such a weapon.
"You should have asked the police to come and collect it right away.
"I find this was a strange matter, it may have been something to do with your previous involvement with the police, but that does not justify not giving immediate notice that you had such a weapon, and wanted them to have it."
Clarke was sentenced to a 12-month prison term, suspended for one year. He is also under curfew for one night from 8pm until 7am tomorrow morning (Saturday).
- Surrey Police responded to the sentencing at 4pm today (Friday), standing by their decision to pursue the case to court.
A Surrey Police spokesman said: "Clarke was given the opportunity to explain the full circumstances of how this lethal and prohibited weapon came to be in his possession.
"This explanation lacked credibility and a report was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).
"Surrey Police stands by its decision to investigate and make its case to the CPS which decided that it was in the public interest to prosecute the case in court, and Paul Clarke was charged with possession of a prohibited weapon.
"This case clearly illustrates the serious view which is taken of the possession of any prohibited weapon such as a sawn-off shotgun or shortened shotgun.
"Such weapons are frequently prepared specifically to be used in the commission of serious violent crime."
In the statement released to the media, the spokesman wrote: "Surrey Police is pleased that, having heard all of the evidence today, Clarke has been sentenced appropriately."
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Liittynyt: 10 Huh 2009
Viestejä: 2238

LähetäLähetetty: 13.01.2010 18:59    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Linnaan olisi moinen hunsvotti joutanut.. Briteissä ei kanssa ollenkaan toimi lakijärjestelmä, onneksi homlund&co. lähtee tuunaamaan brittien lait uuteen uskoon, jahka saavat tämän suomen ensin pilatt.. eikun pelastettua..
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Liittynyt: 02 Maa 2005
Viestejä: 13177

LähetäLähetetty: 13.01.2010 19:50    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Poliisit osaavat tämän "Tunnusta pois. Ei tässä mitään ole" -vedätyksen myös UKssa.

Ei kannata tunnustaa eikä varsinkaan allekirjoittaa mitään. Luku- ja kirjoitustaidottomuus ei ole rikos.
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Liittynyt: 04 Tou 2004
Viestejä: 2903
Paikkakunta: merikarvia

LähetäLähetetty: 13.01.2010 20:16    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Mitähän mahtaa ukko tehdä jos joskus löytää vielä jostakin samanlaisen säkin?
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Liittynyt: 09 Elo 2004
Viestejä: 9501

LähetäLähetetty: 14.01.2010 10:37    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Tuskin koskeekaan katsoakseen tai bobbyille soittaa, odottaa että joku muu löytää ja mahdollisesti lusii...
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Näytä käyttäjän tiedot Lähetä yksityinen viesti

Liittynyt: 01 Mar 2006
Viestejä: 978
Paikkakunta: Vehkalahti

LähetäLähetetty: 14.01.2010 13:23    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Nää on näitä fiksuja juttuja... Saksassa muutettiin aselainsäädäntöä viime vuonna Winnendenin joukkosurman vuoksi. Tällöin lakiin liitettiin pykälä, joka salli luvattomien aseiden luovuttamisen poliisille ilman rangaistusta 31.12. 2009 asti.

Eipä siinä mitään, mutta eräs poliisilaitos ryhtyi lukemaan lakia pilkulleen: lain mukaan oli sallittua luovuttaa tällainen ase sen hallussapitoon oikeutetulle tai poliisiviranomaiselle, mutta laista oli jäänyt pois maininta aseen kuljettamisesta poliisilaitokselle. Ergo, veit itse aseen laitokselle -> kannoit asetta (führen) -> rikosilmoitus.

Kyseinen poliisilaitos vielä myöhemmin perusteli tätä sanomalla, että lain mukaan muuta ei voi tehdä ja päätös syytteen nostamisesta tai syyttämättä jättämisestä jää yleiselle syyttäjälle.

Linkki: http://www.dernewsticker.de/news.php?id=152217&i=cftmrg
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Näytä käyttäjän tiedot Lähetä yksityinen viesti

Liittynyt: 30 Hei 2006
Viestejä: 2591

LähetäLähetetty: 14.01.2010 13:28    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

siru8 kirjoitti:
Mitähän mahtaa ukko tehdä jos joskus löytää vielä jostakin samanlaisen säkin?

Laittaa hanskat käteen ja tipauttaa pussin aidan yli naapurin pihalle, istuu alas ja nauttii valoshowsta.
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